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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Magnify Him with Thanksgiving

Psalm 69:30- "I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord."

How do we magnify God during Thanksgiving? I was going to write an article on the practical things we could do to magnify God this Thanksgiving. And then I realized, that was silly! What God wants most of all from me and from all of us, is our THANKS! He wants our hearts!! So, I’m laying my heart and my thanks out here today. I read a great book by Anne Voskamp this summer called “One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.”  In this book she describes the art of naming what we are thankful for. This is powerful!! When we name what we are thankful for, as we go about our day, our hearts change. We become more grateful, more joyful. We start to see the gifts more, that we never saw before. Here are some of my favorite quotes from Ann in this book.

“And when I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me.” 

“A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.” 

“The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world.” 

And so I encourage you to make a list of the things you are thankful for! Below is my list. I contemplated on whether I should include it here or not. But in the end, I did. My uncensored, totally honest list from my heart. So, that maybe someone who is struggling with what to be thankful for can see the wide range of gifts we are given.  Food is an obvious one, but yes it is also okay to be thankful for cute boots! I truly am! So, search your heart. What are the things that you are happy to have? Those are gifts. Give thanks for them. But don’t stop there. After you name your gifts, your heart will be overflowing. Let that flow right back to God, the giver of these gifts who purposefully made you, who intentionally showered you with the gifts in your life. Pray. Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving to God, the giver, the creator, our Lord, our Savior. I made a list of my thankfulness and then my heart automatically overflowed with a prayer. Pray your own prayer or pray the prayer I wrote below. He hears us. He knows our hearts and our thankfulness brings him joy. If you don’t struggle with making a list, great, feel free to skip my list and scroll down to the Thanksgiving prayer. That is the meat of what I wanted to post today. Would you pray with me?? Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

God, Thank you for these things:

  • YOU- you saved me, redeemed me, love me, speak to me and are with me
  • Family-my husband and kids
  • Their kisses, their love, their gifts to me and the world
  • Jeremy's patience, flexibility, friendship
  • Extended family- parents and siblings- Their love, friendship, protection, advice, support, babysitting, encouragement, wisdom, FUN.
  • My church- support, growth, encouragement, involvement, knowledge, fellowship and friendships
  • My dear Friends
  • My Bible study
  • My Bible
  • Books that fill our house
  • My Job that I love-drama, students, the school, the staff, being part time
  • Jeremy's job and income
  • Mission Valley- great teachers, great experiences
  • Smart, talented, serving, loving, faithful kids!
  • Home- comfort, pool, location
  • Our furniture
  • Our Neighbors
  • Our van and truck
  • Christmas presents
  • Nehemiah project
  • Gift of writing and areas to use it
  • Kids love of reading, and mine
  • Income
  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Safety
  • Health
  • Medical care
  • Phones and technology
  • Amazon
  • Pictures
  • Music
  • Memories and happy experiences
  • Isagenix
  • Love
  • Cuteness
  • Laughter
  • Ideas
  • The holy spirit
  • Jesus
  • The Father
  • Blessings and prosper for our family
  • The ability to serve and give
  • The If ministry
  • Learning
  • Crafts
  • Chocolate
  • Boots
  • My favorite necklace
  • Good hair
  • Turkey and stuffing tomorrow
  • Podcasts to listen and learn from
  • Good teachers like Christine Cain, Jenny Allen, Lisa Terquerst
  • The good friends the kids have
  • Awanas for the kids
  • Purple in the sky when the sun is setting
  • Big round moon when it first rises
  • Beautiful things to look at
  • Small, cute, ticklish toes
  • A kitchen table full of glue, paint and love
  • Overflowing pantry and closets
  • All our material provisions
  • All the people who bless my life
  • Everyday that I'm given to grow closer to you Jesus and to love you more and show you to my kids and everyone around me, And when I fail, you forgive me and give me another day to keep on trying.
  • Your mercy

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for all of these gifts and more. Help me to never take them for granted. Help me always recognize they are gifts from you. Help me to live with gratitude for you. I don't deserve any of these gifts. But you have showered me with them anyways. I am so thankful. Thank you Jesus. For the life you have given me. Help me to magnify you this Thanksgiving by having thankfulness in my heart for you and for the gifts you give me. By having love in my heart, for you and for the people around me. Help me to magnify you to the size you really are. To make you bigger in my life because you are bigger. Help me to do that with me words, my attitudes, my actions, my everything. Give me eyes to see what you see. Help me to see the hurting and to help. Help me to listen to the sad and lonely and give an ear and give encouragement and your truth and love. Help me to serve selflessly. Help me to give my kids and family a meaningful thanksgiving and holiday. Keeping the focus on you Jesus. Loving you, appreciating the gifts you have given us, enjoying the gifts you have given us, serving others, loving others, having fun and joyfully experiencing all you want us to experience. Keep our eyes on you, our words on your, our hearts on you. And by our lives help others to see you. Jesus I love you and am so grateful for the gifts you have given us. Most importantly the best gift of all.


Wrapped in a manger. Given to the world.

Died on a cross. Freedom from death to those who accept that gift.

Raised to life. Salvation and eternal life to those who believe.

The gift of the Holy Spirit. A counselor, a friend, the power of God inside of us.

The father's love lavished on us as we enter into relationship with you.

Promises that you are with me always, that you will never leave me. That you work ALL things for the good of those who love you.

Lord I love you! You have filled me with that love. Thank you!! Thank you, for you. Amazing God. Creator of heaven and Earth. No beginning, no end. Limitless, timeless, boundless. Never changing, infinite, everywhere all at once, all powerful, all knowing, in control, sovereign. Full of mercy, protection, love, forgiveness. You take me back over and over. Your grace knows no end. All things created for your glory. All things working together for your glory. This world is yours. This life is yours. Take it. And do whatever you want to do with it, so that you will be magnified to your rightful size and place. I hand it all over to you. I trust you and follow you.

I am sorry for my sins. I am sorry for living for myself. I am sorry for not giving you the praise and love and thanks that you deserve. I am thankful Lord. Thankful that you died for me and took my punishment. I believe. I follow you. And I am oh so thankful. Help me to show my thankfulness by reading your word every day. By spending time in prayer with you. By singing to you and praising you. By teaching and encouraging those around me. By offering my life to you and walking In obedience. Your word is a lamp to my feet. Help me be in it daily and follow you. I love you Jesus.

Thank you. What small words. But from the bottom of my heart I mean them. Thank you for you. Thank you for the gifts you have given me. Now help me to live with thankfulness in my heart ALL the time. Help my life to reflect that thankfulness. Help me to experience joy in you and all that you have created and given me.  Help me to walk with you every moment of everyday. Help me to magnify you this Thanksgiving and this Holiday season in all I do, in all I say, in all I am. Help me to leave behind a trail of YOU in all the places I go and in all the people I encounter. Help me to smile, and laugh and love and enjoy this gift of life! In your amazing name Jesus, I lift these words to you.

Psalm 69:30- "I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord."

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