It's the coolest thing when suddenly you realize how everything in the Bible, and everything in the world, points to Jesus. Every page in that big book. Even in the Old Testament before Jesus's birth on Earth, it still ALL points to him! One thing that really helped me realize this was the family devotional we did last Christmas called the Jesse Tree.
This devotion has been around for quiet a while. But last year was my first experience with it. Our family loved it so much, we vowed to do it every year. And for the last few weeks, the kids have been asking me every single day if its time to start it yet! We loved it so much, and it was such a great experience and growing experience, that I want to share it with every parent and friend I know! So, I'm going to share a few links and few pictures with some basic instructions in making the most of this experience. But first, a few questions answered:
Who is this project for? It can be adapted for any age. Literally 1 years old to adults. It is for you, if you are willing to spare 5-10 minutes a day during the month of December. If you want to do something special this Christmas season to help keep your eyes and heart on the gift of Jesus. If you know nothing about the Bible, or a lot about the Bible, this devotion will take you through the line of Jesus and help you understand and see God's promises and plan in a new and clear way.
What is the Jesse Tree? The Jesse tree represents Jesus' family tree. The name is taken from Isaiah 11:1, in which Jesus is referred to as a shoot coming up from the stump of Jesse, the father of David. There is a daily reading from the Bible and an ornament to represent that reading. The ornaments on the Jesse tree tell of Jesus' ancestors, and of the events leading to Jesus' birth.
How would I do this Jesse Tree Devotional??
There are are so many options out there! You can choose the best option for you based on the ages of kids, your personal preference and the amount of money you want to spend. Here are some options:
1. You don't need to use a book outside of the bible. You can simple follow the reading plan and read the passages straight from scriptures. This would be a good way to go with teens and adults. A plan of what to read each day is on the second page of the document found on this link:
2. Here is a free printable devotion also better for teens and adults:
3. If you have kids from birth to 10 years old, one great way to do this is to follow a reading plan from a children's bible titled The Jesus Storybook Bible. This is such a great Bible that I recommend every family read from all throughout the year! So if you don't already own it, it's a good time to get one! The schedule of what to read from this Bible can be found here: Jesus Storybook Bible Advent reading plan
4. This next book is brand new this year and I am SO excited to use it for our reading during our Jesse tree Devotions. It's a beautiful book written by Ann Voskamp titled "Unwrapping the Greatest Gift:A Family Celebration of Christmas." The pictures are captivating and the stories are beautifully written and really draw the readers focus to the amazing love of God. I just can not wait to go through this book as a family! I think it will be a book and a tradition that my kids will always remember!
Once you decide how you are going to read through this plan with your family, if you have children, you'll want to prepare your tree and your ornaments ahead of time, so that you can hang one each night. Some people are very crafty and make beatiful and adorable felt or wooden ornaments. You can search pinterest for ideas from those crafty people! I am not one of those people :) So, we made a felt tree and have printable ornaments that we velcro to the tree every day during advent.
Here is what we did to prepare our tree and ornaments:
1. Print the ornaments you will be using.
If you will be using Ann Voskamp's devotional plan, you can print free ornaments that go along with the book here: Free printable ornaments for Unwrapping the Greatest Gift
If you will be using the plan with the Jesus Story Book Bible, print here: Jesus Story Book Bible free printables
2. Have your kids color the ornaments you print.
3. If you can laminate the pages, that will help them last for years to come. If you can't, glue them onto some cardstock for extra strength.
4. Cut the ornaments out.
5. Put velcro on the back of the ornaments to stick to the felt tree.
6. Cut your tree out from green felt. The green felt can be found at Hobby Lobby or Michaels for 4.99. Hang up your tree in a central space in your house. It's fun for the kids to see the tree throughout the day!
7. On December 1st, start with the scheduled readings! Read your first story, and after the reading have a child hang up the first ornament. Add the corresponding ornament to the tree each day during the month of December. Have kids take turns hanging the ornaments.
8. On December 25th, the day Jesus is born, hang up the bright shining star to top the tree! We cut out a star from some yellow sparkly foam from Michaels.
9. On December 25th you will see the complete tree. You will know the people that God used, the miracles he did, and the stories he wove together to bring about his amazing plan, all planned out from the very beginning. You'll see the love he poured out to bring us the most amazing gift ever. The gift of Jesus. And your kids will have this experience and this visual to help them understand the gift of Jesus and the love God has for them and the whole world.
Jesus is the very best gift we have ever been given, and no words could truly express the greatness of this gift. But more than anything, I want my kids to spend the Christmas season (and every day of their lives) thinking about Jesus. Thinking about about how God loves them so much that he had this plan from the very beginning to rescue them. To save them. To bring them to him. And he gave up his own son to do that. More than anything I want my kids' hearts' to be touched by the love of God. I want them to see Jesus and know Jesus and celebrate Christmas BECAUSE of Jesus. I want them to be filled with love for God because he first loved them. And I want that for your kids too! I hope you can join us this December in going through this Jesse Tree devotional! I'm excited to see what God teaches us and shows us our second time around! When we get in his word, he opens our eyes and our hearts in miraculous ways! Jesus. What an incredible, indescribable gift!
Colossians 1:15-20
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
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